Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Oppression"- Frye

I'd like you to take a moment and watch this video as it explains what oppression is, if you're unclear and if it's fair.  So go on and watch it. Heres the link:
So you saw it, I suppose.  This is a little summary of what just took part in the video.
      Its title "Have women ever been oppressed in the United States?" shows what to expect watching the video. 
It explains Discrimination:   vs.    Men stereotyped as:
                             - Workplace               - Providers
                             - Education                 - Protectors 
                             - Finances                   - Nurturers
Men and women have both faced discrimination.  So what does Oppression really mean; as the video showed it stands for death, starvation, problems, people chained, starved, beaten, genocide and overall BIG PROBLEMS. So... Discrimination is not the same thing as Oppression!  Women Studies classes have been the one that have studied this most; they are stretching the truth so far that it breaks.  In the end the editor says "we've held women up as we've torn our men down.  Hold both women and men in highest standard".  The ending also showed men being negatively labeled.  So I hope that cleared up the confusion of Oppression. 

The article "Oppression" by Marilyn Frye resembles the YouTube video I mentioned.  How does this connect to the video, well they both have to deal with Oppression and how its mostly focused on women and men equal explained in this article. Frye gave examples of the bird cage.  Where if you focus on one wire you can't see the one behind it.  This signifies that people look at things one by one almost microscopically.  "living in one's life is confined and shaped by forces and barriers which are not accidental or occasional and hence avoidable, but are systematically related to each other in such a way as to catch one between and among them and restrict or penalize motion in any direction... being caged" (Frye 176). Oppression is hard to recognize and see in many cases.  Another example was when a man opens a door for the women to walk through, and then the man walks through.  That is a true example to show that women are incapable as Fry stated and that men are courteous to women. They act like servants and women take advantage of it.  I believe that sometimes some people may take advantage of it and some may unintentially do so as thinking of having some common courtesy. 


  1. Thank you for the use of hyperlink. It gave me a better understanding of the project itself, before I have to use that option. I saw the video and cant believe the comparisons that the author of the video illustrated. That was a great video to included with what Frye was trying to say in the article. The combination of the the hyperlink and the explanation and the tie between the article and the hyperlink was a good one.

  2. Your welcome I did not know what it meant before so I found the video so it was easier to understand. Yeah at the beginning I was confused to but it sure helped me understand Oppression better. :)
